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The Billionaire's Devotion: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 3) Page 8
The Billionaire's Devotion: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 3) Read online
Page 8
She turned over and pulled the blanket up until it reached her chin. Closing her eyes she breathed deeply hoping the fear would subside.
Nightmares, night terrors and a good dose of paranoia was expected after what had happened to Emmaline and the victim that followed, she told herself as sleep refused to settle.
She heard it again. It was coming from outside her window.
Paranoia, she told herself even as she got out of bed and moved towards the window. The shades were drawn, but Rose pulled it back an inch and hoped the moonlight would cast enough light on the garden for her to see clearly.
Rose saw the dark figure keep his head down and shoulders hunched as he moved through the garden. Her breath caught as her heart started to hammer against her ribs.
Calm, remain calm Rose. Breathe. She admonished herself as she watched the figure move around the house.
She quietly walked to the bedside table where her phone was and dialed 911.
“911 What’s your emergency?”
Rose rattled off the information of the intruder along with the recent murders and ended with her address.
“M’am, please lock your doors and stay inside, help is on the way.” The operator assured her calmly.
Rose felt anything but. She moved to the kitchen where she grabbed the biggest knife she owned and padded softly back to the bedroom.
Settling herself against the headboard; knees drawn up to her chin she held the knife ready to defend if necessary before help arrived.
She would never disregard any mention of a sixth sense again, if she hadn’t woken up…
Refusing to go there she started counting, trying to drag her mind away from what the man outside was capable of. What he had done to Emmaline.
She heard the sirens wailing by the time she reached two-hundred. As soon as they sounded close enough, Rose lurched from the bed and ran for the front door.
“Hello!” She called as she pulled open the door, she ran across the lawn to meet them. “He’s round back in the garden.”
The police men tipped his hat in acknowledgement before he indicated his partner should get left and he’d go right.
Rose knew the lurker had already escaped when he heard the loud wailing sound of the sirens, but refused to go inside nonetheless.
She sat on the step of her porch, knife still in hand and waited for them to return. Her breathing had just normalized when she noticed the door across the road open and Cole walked out. He wore sweat pants that rode low on his hips. Rose caught a glimpse of his sculpted torso before he tugged the sweater over his head.
“Rose?” He called even as he started running to her. “What the hell happened?” He crouched in front of her, running his hands over her icy arms. “Are you alright?”
Rose looked into the blue depths of his eyes and recognized concern, even if he didn’t want to admit it he did care. “I’m fine. There was someone in the garden.”
“Hey folks! What’s going on here?” A voice said from behind them.
“Thank God it’s you Mark. I think the murderer was just in my garden.” Rose said fervently to the security guard she had met a few days before. “I woke up and thought I’d heard something and then when I went to go look…”
“Hush now, the cops are here and I’m doing patrols all night. We’re all doing everything to make sure another murder doesn’t happen.”
Rose nodded appreciating the effort; they had received a notice that morning from the Owner’s Association that the security efforts would be buffed up.
The police men came from behind the house sharing a disappointed expression.
“Sorry M’am. It’s seems he must’ve run when he heard the sirens. We’ve got some mud marks against the back wall where he must’ve jumped over but not a clear enough print or shoe size to use it.”
“So that’s it. Sorry try again next time?” Cole said furiously as he straightened up and faced the police man.
“I know this is hard sir, but there isn’t much else we can do. This community is on our priority response time at the moment and I know ever since the second murder Detective Vanguard is working his butt off on this.”
“Right.” Rose smirked.
“We’re doing everything we can at the moment; if you’ve got any more trouble let us know, we’ll stay close through the night.”
“That won’t be necessary.” Cole said pulling Rose up by her hand and taking the knife from her. “I’m taking Miss Adler home with me until this is sorted out.”
“Now wait a damn minute,” Rose said defiantly. They were treating her like an errant little girl. “I’ve got my own house and obviously I sleep light.”
“Honey, you barely slumbered in. Your light only went out about an hour ago.” Cole drawled as he tugged her closer to him.
“You watched me?” Rose asked, temper rising as she pushed him away.
“No I didn’t watch you.” Both policemen and Mark turned to Cole. He put his hands up and raised his eyebrows. “I happened to be closing my curtains and noticed you switch off the damn light.”
“Oh.” Rose huffed.
“Come on, you’re not staying here. You won’t get any sleep anyway.”
Rose shrugged, he was probably right. She wanted to make him promise not to touch her but that would‘ve been awkward with a security guard and two police men watching. “Fine.”
Cole stirred the hot cocoa on the stove and wondered how he was going to explain to Rose what he felt.
Ever since he had left Seth and Fawn’s place, he had tried to think up touchy-feely words, he still didn’t have any.
He poured the cocoa in two mugs and joined Rose in the living room.
“Here.” He said as she took the cup. “Mom’s recipe.”
“Thanks.” She murmured. Cole could sense her agitation about having to spend the night at his place.
“I know you’re mad at me about having to spend the night here?” He said sitting down. The homey scent of cocoa filled the air between them but that didn’t mean the agitation wasn’t palpable.
“Really?” Rose asked cocking her eyebrows. “You think I’m mad because you basically ambushed me to spend the night here after what happened this morning?”
“Look, I know I screwed up this morning. I’ve got the blisters to prove it.” Cole said watching her. He could almost swear he noticed the corners of her mouth tugging into a smile. “But I’ve been thinking you understood me wrong.”
Rose narrowed her eyes and sat forward on the couch. “You basically offered to buy me a house anywhere but here since I’d be affecting the value of your property. Or you just don’t want to see me every time you come here. Either way, I’m not leaving.”
Cole sighed. “I don’t want you too. That’s the thing.”
“What thing?”
“The thing I couldn’t say this morning and I’m still not sure how to. I don’t want you gone, I want you safe. Fawn said I should use touchy-feely words that women like, but I’ve got none of those.”
“Try your regular ones.” Rose said taking a sip of cocoa watching him through the steam that rose from the cup.
“I like you. Not in the let’s have sex kind of way but in a different way. I’ve never liked anyone in that way before.”
“So you don’t want to have sex with me?” Rose’s asked confused, brow furrowed.
“Shit! I’m screwing this up again. At least don’t run out this time until I’ve at least tried to explain myself.”
“Fine, but please try harder.”
Cole stood up and paced the length of the living room. “I liked having sex with you. A lot. The thing is I never want to have sex again with the same woman, with you that’s different. I’d like to have sex with you again.”
Rose nodded slowly encouraging him to go on.
“I’ve never been away on business and sat through meetings wondering what a woman was
doing, I’ve never wanted to protect someone and I’ve never wanted to get to know a woman better. All that is different with you.”
When Rose didn’t speak or jump up and run out, Cole sat down again; this time next to her.
He turned, taking her cup and set it down on the table. “I don’t know how to do this. I’ve been avoiding anything close to this for most of my life, and now I find myself in a situation I have no idea how to handle.”
“Cole…” Rose said softly.
“No let me finish…” Cole said even as her hands took his face.
“We can finish this later.” Her voice was hoarse with desire as she moved over him. Her scent drugged him as he felt her soft lips press against his.
For a moment Cole wanted to pull back. Wanted to try placing his emotions in words…but that could wait.
He tugged Rose onto him as he laid back on the couch, weaving his fingers into her soft hair. Her soft curves molded against his hard planes.
Desire stronger than ever before coursed through Cole as he swept into her mouth. She tasted of sweet cocoa and the mystery that was Rose. His hands left her hair to run over her back before ending on her firm behind. He squeezed, wanting to feel more.
The brief action pressed her heated core against his firm length, Rose let out a soft moan pouring fuel on the fire that was already raging in him.
He slipped his fingers into the elastic of her pajama bottom, dragging it down.
Rose gasped as the cool air met her flesh.
Cole grabbed her and flipped her so that she was below. Her eyes wide with surprise, cloudy with desire, focused on him as a sexy smile played on her mouth.
“You’re rough tonight.” She teased as she slipped her hands under his sweatshirt.
Cole loved the feel of her soft hands stroking him. “Tell me to stop, I’m too wound up I’m going to hurt you.”
Rose let out a soft laugh and pulled him closer. “You won’t hurt me, I don’t break that easy.” Her hand closed around his hard length and Cole had only a moment to wonder when she had slipped her hand in his pants before his mind went blank…
She slowly ran her hand up and down, pumping him before teasing the tip of his cock with her nail.
“Easy there…” Cole gasped.
“Why, afraid I’m going to hurt you?” She asked with innocent wide eyes.
Before Rose could say another word, Cole bunched her pajama top in his hands and ripped it open, leaving her exposed.
The sound of fabric tearing ripped through the house just before Cole took a peaked nipple into his mouth.
Rose moaned, but he didn’t stop.
He moved down her body, sucking, licking and nipping until she was quivering.
As he reached her centre she bucked in response to his touch, he merely smiled as he pulled down her pajama bottoms. He lightly flicked his tongue over her sensitive flesh when she gasped.
Knowing she was close, Cole reached for his wallet on the table and withdrew a foil wrapper.
The condom was on in less than five seconds. He pulled the sweatshirt over his head and settled between her thighs, his sweatpants riding his ankles.
Rose’s eyes were wide as he softly nudged her entrance. Cole smiled wickedly as he slowly slid inside, this time would be different.
He rocked her back and forth until her breath came in short gasps. He felt her body start to quiver as the wave built towards release.
Cole kept his pace steady, tonight wasn’t for a quick release, tonight he wanted to show her with his actions rather than his words what she meant to him.
As her body quacked around his, he felt his own start to waver.
They reached the crescent together, bucking and thrusting for more as all thoughts of murderers were swept from their minds.
When the quivers had succeeded and Rose sighed beneath him, Cole’s mind went down unchartered avenues. Avenues he had never considered before. Avenues that included Rose, the Hamptons and possibly something that closely resembled a relationship. The one thing Cole had always avoided.
With Rose, Cole didn’t want to avoid it any longer.
The sun winked through the open shades, warming Rose’s face. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and for a moment she felt disorientated by the muted blue walls and bedding. As she tried to move she felt the muscled arm holding her close, and the heavy leg that held both of hers.
Realizing she was with Cole, Rose closed her eyes and snuggled back against him causing him to stir a little. Feeling naughty, she pressed her rear against him.
“I’m awake.” Cole said pulling her close.
“Good, ‘cause I feel like playing.” Rose said immediately embarrassed by the words she had just spoken.
Cole let out a sleepy laugh. “I can feel that.”
Rose had never been bold or forward with any man before but for some reason she felt liberated enough to speak her mind with Cole.
The morning before, Rose had wanted nothing more to do with him, but last night…Rose smiled to herself. Although his words were all over the place and he barely made sense, his actions had spoken volumes. She had never felt more cherished or wanted than last night.
Even with Sam she had doubted his affection and his love for her most days.
Rose closed her eyes as her heart swelled at the realization.
She was in love with Cole Matthewson.
She glanced up towards the sky and mouthed the words, thank you Emmaline. Hopefully if her friend was watching she would see how happy Rose was.
Beside her, Rose felt Cole move. “Where are you going?” She asked, already missing him next to her.
“Bathroom and then I think we should go on a little trip.” He said winking at her before moving to the bathroom.
“Little trip?” Rose asked confused, even as butterflies flitted in her stomach. “You want to go somewhere? Now, with everything that’s going on?”
She heard his answer as she heard the shower being opened. “Yup, no better time for it, in fact I think that’s just what we need.”
Rose wanted to argue but Cole was right, they couldn’t do anything but interfere with the investigation. Maybe a trip would take her mind off everything. But before they took that little trip, a shower sounded pretty good, a shower with Cole.
“What are we doing here?” Rose asked as they pulled up outside nondescript building Korea Town with the Empire state building only a few blocks away.
After a long and eventful shower which would’ve lasted even longer if the hot water hadn’t gone cold, Cole had been very secretive about where they were taking their trip. As they drove past the offices where she worked, a small nick of guilt scratched at the back of her mind, but Rose ignored it furtively. She had just spent a beautiful night and morning with Cole and was about to take a trip with him, she’d catch up with her work when she was ready. Besides she had spent the most of yesterday answering work emails.
She opened the window and lay back against the seat, resting her hand on Cole’s thigh. A comfortable silence had settled over them as they drove to New York. They had barely spoken except for pointing out landmarks and familiar places the whole way.
“A surprise for you, besides I think you deserve it.” Cole smiled secretively as he opened the door.
They were met at the door by two Korean ladies that welcomed them with bare feet and a brisk bow.
“Cole?” Rose asked confused, realizing she didn’t know that well. He could be selling her to a Korean human trafficking ring for all she knew.
“Don’t worry I’ll be with you the whole time.” He said taking her hand and squeezing it.
They were shown into a quiet room with orchids and candles. The calming scent of essential oils hung in the air as they were shown to two beds covered with fluffy white towels.”
“Undress.” The one Korean said briskly as she clapped her hands.
Cole shrugged
at Rose, smiling before starting to undress. When Rose didn’t move he pulled her against his naked body. “Trust me?”
Rose wanted to say no, she wanted to run but instead she found herself nodding slowly.
“Good, then undress.” He laughed as he jumped onto the fluffy white towels covering himself with a sheet.
Rose followed his example, her hands tightly fisted in anticipation of what was to come.
Softly nature sounds started filling the room through hidden speakers, birds chirping and water flowing. Rose closed her eyes and felt her body relax as the scents and sounds washed over her.
A short while later she heard movement beside her, before she could sit up strong hands weaved through her hair and started to massage her scalp. Rose felt the tension from the past couple of weeks being kneaded, prodded and rubbed away from her body.
She wanted to open her eyes and thank the lady for the miracles she was accomplishing with her hands, but she was too relaxed to move.
The strong hands slathered with warm oil worked over her head, neck, shoulders and arms before instructing Rose to turn over.
She sleepily did as she was told and nearly wept when those firm hands started working on her back. With the sound of the wind blowing over the water Rose felt her troubles being swept away.
Almost two hours later Rose and Cole walked out of the small building after Rose all but offered her first child to return for another massage.
“Enjoy it?” Cole asked easily as they got back into the car.
“Enjoy? Cole you must be kidding me. That massage was much more than simple enjoyment. It could become the next religion; in fact I’d be a devout follower. My body has never felt this relaxed ever since I was a baby.” Rose’s brows furrowed. “In fact not even then since I had colic.”
Cole laughed. “I thought you deserved some spoiling after the past few weeks. I heard of them through a colleague. At first I thought it was a dodgy massage parlor with happy endings, but I was proven wrong. Actually I was proven right. They provide much more than a happy ending, more lasting anyway.”