The Billionaire's Devotion: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 3) Page 7
“You actually let her sleepover? This is deep man?” Stefan asked cocking a brow.
“No it’s not.” Cole said in denial. “It’s just different. But it’s not like we’re dating or anything.”
“Cole you bared your fangs last night and I was barely flirting, you’ve never been territorial before?”
“Cole’s not going to give us more on the girl guys, let him figure that part out. I’m more worried about the lunatic killing woman. Do you know anything about it other than the news?” Garrett asked sitting up straight with serious expression. Cole cast him a grateful glance for changing the subject before he answered.
“No, I’ve called the detective on the case a few times but they’re just giving me standard bullshit.”
“So is this guy killing random women or did the victims have something in common?” Cayden asked surprising them all.
“Actually, I haven’t thought about it like that.” Cole said thinking he should speak to Rose about that. The sun had just dipped below the horizon and twilight was settling on the deck. For a moment Cole wondered if Rose had locked her doors. He stood up and shoved the chair back. “Listen guys, it’s been great but I’ve got to head back.”
As he walked through the house to the front door he heard his friends teasing him about being whipped, he ignored it; his only concern was Rose’s safety.
Dusk had settled just as Rose sat down with her kindle; she needed a love story with a happy ending right now. Even though she had no regrets about her evening with Cole, it only made her realize how much she liked him. She didn’t want him to feel awkward about being there this morning, but walking out had been one of the hardest things she’s ever had to do.
She had barely turned the first page when there was a brisk knock on her door. Who would be bothering her this time on a Sunday evening?
“Hello Rose.” Cole said as she opened the door.
Butterflies started flitting in her tummy; did he also regret that she’d left that morning? “Hi Cole. What are you doing here?”
He dragged a hand over his short cropped hair. “I need to talk to you, can I come in?”
“Sure.” Rose said.
As she led him into the living room anxious tingles flooded her body. Maybe tonight would be just as magical as the night before. “Sit down.”
Cole sat and then stood up again. “Listen you need to move.”
Surprise and disappointment washed over Rose. “What? Why?” So he didn’t regret her leaving and he wasn’t here to spend the night.
“You can’t stay here. If this guy has just started his killing spree, there’s no saying what he’d do next.” He shuffled on his feet before meeting her eyes. “All these murders are bad for the neighborhood, house prices are going to hit rock bottom.”
Rose felt her temper lick at the edges of control. “Let me get this straight?” She cocked a brow before moving toward him. “You want me to move because I’m an easy target, and you can’t let the value of your house drop?”
“Yes.” Cole nodded before he rapidly shook his head. “No! I mean it’s not safe for you, I don’t want you to be next.”
Rose placed her hands on her hips. Her temper was no longer licking the edges but jumping over. “No. You listen to me Cole Matthewson! I’m not moving just because some lunatic decided to make this his killing grounds firstly. Secondly I’ve got nowhere to go until this house sells, and it sure as hell isn’t going to sell while a murderer is on the loose. Thirdly, you don’t spend one night with me and then decide you’ve got a right to tell me what to do. You don’t, and even if you do sleep with me again, you still won’t have that privilege.”
Rose watched Cole’s eyes widen. “I didn’t mean it like that. Shit Rose I’m not good at this. Give me a break. I’m just trying to look out for you that’s all.”
“Well don’t!” Rose stuck out her chin defiantly. “I think it would be best if you leave.”
Cole sighed and tried to move towards her but her temper was still flashing, reading the warning in her eyes he stepped back. “Fine, I’ll try talk to you again in the morning when you’ve cooled down.”
“Don’t bet on it.” Rose called after him as he closed the front door behind him.
Rose threw her handbag in the passenger seat the following morning trying her best to ignore the car still standing in Cole’s driveway. Clearly he didn’t get the message or he was sticking around to make sure his property’s value didn’t drop. Asshole, she thought as she slammed the driver’s door shut.
She had just put the car in reverse when there was a knock on the passenger side window.
Rose hit the button to wind down the window letting it go when it had dropped a few inches. “What?” She knew she was testy this morning which tended to happen when a man demanded you move after you sleep with him. The more Rose thought about it, the more it made sense. They were neighbors; he couldn’t just ignore her and never phone her. They would see each other from time to time whether they liked it or not.
“I’m sorry.” He said with a goofy smile. “I know I said all the wrong things last night. Can I make it up to you?”
Rose guffawed. “How? By telling where to move?”
“No, I promise. Where are you headed?” Cole asked leaning into the window.
“I’m going to pay Detective Vanguard a visit. Since he’s not eager on keeping me up to date, I’m going to sit there until he does.” And unleash some of her harbored anger on him, Rose thought.
“Can I come?” Cole asked without a beat.
Rose wanted to say no, she wanted to tell him to find someone else to order around or to head back to the city but she knew it would be better if he came. Detective Vanguard would take her more seriously if she had a neighbor with her, especially one as wealthy and influential as Cole.
“Fine, but I do the talking.” Rose said as she unlocked the door.
After Cole had slipped on his seatbelt he turned to Rose with a dashing smile.
Her heart jumped into her throat. How can he be this attractive? Sometimes life just wasn’t fair. She swallowed her heart back into place before asking him. “What?”
“Can we go for breakfast first, I’m starving.”
“Breakfast? How can you think of food at a time like this?” Rose asked shaking her head.
“Easy.” On queue his stomach growled. “A man’s gotta eat.”
“Fine, but make it quick.” Rose said.
The waitress poured them each coffee as they sat down at the little coffee shop across from the police station. “What’ll be?”
Cole rattled off an intricate off-the-menu breakfast, Rose only caught the no bread, four eggs, easy over, two slices of orange and crispy bacon before she zoned out.
She ordered a BLT on toast, and then turned to Cole. “What was that?”
“What?” He asked holding up his hands.
“Your order. Ever heard of looking at the menu?” Rose asked before taking a sip of hot coffee.
“Yes, but I know what I like. So why should I order something I’d probably not like, or only eat half of when I can order something I’d enjoy and eat all of it?”
Rose couldn’t help but smile as he rattled off his explanation in the same tone he placed his order. “You’re strange.”
“No I’m not. But listen I’d really like to apologize for last night. I was talking to a few friends and we realized this guy’s got no specific time of day or type of victim. It’s like he’s on an opportunistic killing spree. That not only worries me but makes it harder for the police to catch him. They never know when or who he's going to go for next. That’s why I came over. All I could think about was you and that you live alone, the same as Emmaline and the other victim.”
Rose’s heart warmed at the idea that Cole was concerned for her safety. “Thanks Cole, I appreciate it. But I meant what I said; I can’t just move I
have my job to think of. Besides I don’t have the money to get another place until I sell this one.”
Cole nodded in understanding. “I know and I understand. But at least leave the police alone for a little while. If they still haven’t gotten anything by the end of the week, I’ll start putting pressure on them. My family is good friends with the mayor.” Cole winked at her as the waitress set down their plates.
Rose thought about Cole’s suggestion as they ate in silence. The mayor could do a lot more than a single woman ranting in the police station. She wouldn’t go in today; she’d do what he asked and give it a week. “Fine, I won’t go to the police today. I’ll wait a week, which means next Monday I want answers or I’m going to burst in there raving like a lunatic.”
Cole laughed at the idea before his eyes lighted up with an idea. “Listen I could buy you a condo until this guy is out of the picture or you can move into my place. I really won’t mind either way.”
Her temper which had slightly subsided until that moment jumped back with fury. “I don’t want you to buy me anything! Get it?” She leaned over the table before whispering furiously. “I thought you only did one night stands and I was new at this. But after one night together you’re ordering me around and now you want to buy me a condo?” Her knife and fork clattered against the plate as she stood up.
“You can walk home, before you start offering to buy me a new car as well!”
Rose stalked out of the coffee shop furious. She had thought for a moment last night that he had come back to spend the night, she had been willing to welcome him with open arms; instead he’d turned into a control freak with her as his only focus.
As Cole walked the few miles back home, he berated himself several times over. The walk was barely two miles but it felt a lot longer in the chilly fall morning.
For a man that made a living by talking he sure as hell screwed this up good. What he couldn’t comprehend was why he found himself tongue-tied and nervous whenever Rose was near.
Normally he was so in control, completely on top of the situation. But ever since he flew home thinking Rose had been killed it was like a switch had been flicked, he couldn’t stop thinking about her.
No, it wasn’t that he ruefully admitted to himself as he shoved his hands into his coat pockets. The switch had been flipped the moment she had shouted shootin’ fiddlesticks. He just refused to admit it until now.
Her scent seemed to stay engraved in his memory, her lips and the feeling of them against his own still warmed his blood. The way she responded to his touch, just thinking of it made him hard. Knowing the already long walk was going to be even longer and more uncomfortable with a hard-on Cole pushed all thoughts of Rose aside.
He pulled out his phone and called his assistant to let her know he’d be working from the Hamptons for the week. Once that was done he started to think about the murderer. He seemed to like entering through the back, which was less obvious than going through the front door.
Who wouldn’t be noticed going into people’s backyards? Gardeners, family, friends…hell anyone if you weren’t looking Cole realized. This was going to make nailing the guy so much harder.
He had the connections and the funds to run background checks on all the gardeners used in their estate, Cole thought as he reached the home stretch.
That wouldn’t work; most gardeners became just that because they had no other option. They probably all, or at least most of them, would have criminal records. No, he needed to find someone who could easily enter a woman’s house and strangle her without her putting up a fight.
This meant speed and strength. So the police should be looking for someone strong and agile.
As he reached his own house, he noticed Rose’s car standing in her driveway. Did she lock her doors? Does she have an alarm? Probably not, Cole thought stepping into his own house, hell he didn’t even have one. It had never been necessary before now.
Standing in his living room he looked out the window towards Rose’s house, at least that was one thing he could do.
He pulled up a list of security companies on the internet app on his phone and called the first one on the list.
“Hello, arm in arms security.” An old lady with a gravelly voice answered the phone.
“I need an alarm systems installed.” Cole said as he saw Rose open her front door to air the house. There wasn’t even a safety gate. “Make that two.”
“Cole!” Fawn said as she opened that evening. “Seth mentioned you were in town, it’s good to see you again.”
Cole smiled awkwardly as he was pulled into a hug by the world famous pop star Fawn. Ever since Seth had started dating her Cole had only met her twice and for some reason still found her fame intimidating. “Hi. I hope you don’t mind but I’m still in town and thought I’d come by.”
“Of course.” Fawn Di Maggio said standing back, allowing Cole to step inside. “We’ve just ordered pizzas since I burned the pasta again, but you’re welcome to join us.” Cole still found it odd hearing her on the radio and seeing her on TV and then coming over to his friend’s house to find her in sweats and Ugg boots with no makeup.
“Again? She burns it every time; I don’t why she even tries.” Seth said affectionately as met them in the foyer. “Hey man, two nights in a row? You’re starting to spoil us.”
“It’s not that bad.” Cole said when he knew deep down it was. He really needed to make more time for his friends.
“Come on, let’s grab a beer.” Seth opened the fridge and pulled out two beers before tossing one at Cole. “I’m not going to offer you to sit outside, there’s a freezing wind taking residence on my deck.”
“Sure, inside’s fine.”
After they had all sat down in the living room Fawn was the first to speak. “So Cole…Seth mentioned you might have a lady friend?”
Cole glanced irritably at Seth before turning to Fawn. “Actually she’s not a lady friend; we only spent a night together. At this stage I bet if you ask her she’d say we’re barely acquaintances and I’m wondering for the first time if I’d like it to be more than a one night stand.”
Seth laughed. “You mean your infallible charm finally failed you?”
“Let’s just say I tried to be protective, instead I came across as an insensitive control freak.”
Fawn let out a soft whimper. “Aah you men can be such asses sometimes. What did you do?”
Cole took a sip of beer before turning to Fawn. “I wanted to tell her I was worried for her safety with this murderer everyone’s talking about, instead I ordered her to move because the murders were affecting my property value.”
“That’s bad man.” Seth smirked.
“You…” Fawn said before Cole held up a hand.
“Wait it gets worse. This morning I offered to buy her a condo and told her I’d pay for the move. So now she thinks’ I’m a prick who slept with her only to get rid of her.”
Seth raised his eyebrows at a loss of words and Fawn nibbled on her thumb as she digested the information. “So you never really actually told her you cared for her and wanted to keep her safe?”
“No, well that’s what I meant at least.”
“See, such asses.” Fawn said as she stood up. “When it comes to cars and sports you can relate every single detail but when it comes to love you need a map.”
Seth just shrugged as Cole turned to him for support.
“Look Fawn…”
“Don’t look Fawn me, this girl is afraid for her life at the moment, from what I understand she knew the first victim so she’s grieving as well and then you come along, sleep with her, and screw everything up.”
“I..uh…” Cole didn’t know how to respond to that.
“Let me draw you a map.” Fawn said moving towards Cole and stopping at his feet. “Go home, because it’s getting dark and you’ll start worrying about her any minute. Then tomorrow you try using full sen
tences and all those touchy feely words you’ve almost forgotten about and tell her how you feel.” Fawn nodded at him curtly before heading to the kitchen.
“Hmmm, I don’t know if I should say thank you or apologize.” Cole said to Seth as soon as Fawn was out of earshot.
Seth laughed. “Let’s just say I had some trouble articulating my emotions when Fawn and I met.”
Cole nodded in understanding. “I don’t know Seth. I’d like to get to know Rose better, but I’m afraid she wants more than I can offer.”
“She's the white picket fence type?”
“It’s written all over her.”
“Then you need to spend enough time with her to find out if you are.”
“I’ve never been; I mean why would I want that now?” Cole asked as he stood up. Fawn was right, he was starting to worry about Rose already.
Seth joined him and walked him to the door. “Cole when it’s the right girl somehow we end wanting things we never wanted. Like Garret wanting a baby.”
“Yeah, apparently now the wedding is over he and Skye are going to try for a baby.”
“That’s….wow! I never thought Garret would be the dad-type.” Cole said stepping outside. The cold breeze slapped at his face.
“Like I said, the right woman.” Seth smiled before closing the door.
As he drove home all Cole could think about was what Fawn had said, he should use touchy feely words. How could he use them if he didn’t even know which ones applied to how he felt?
Rose woke with an uneasy feeling.
She slowly opened her eyes, fear clutching her throat with steel fingers as she looked around the room.
It was as empty as it was when she had gone to bed. Glancing at the alarm clock she noticed it was just before eleven pm. She had basically just drifted away and woke up again.
Cole’s car had left early evening, she refused to let that, or him, bother her any longer and had spent the evening going over some work emails. Best medicine for heartache and grief was always work, according to Rose.