The Billionaire's Devotion: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 3) Page 9
Rose lightly swatted him on the arm. “Hey!”
“Just kidding, but you know what I mean?” He asked as he turned the car towards the docks.
“Cole, I think now would be a good time to tell you I don’t do well with boats.”
Rose’s breath caught as that sexy mysterious smile played over his lips again, his topaz blue eyes shining with humor. “Wait and see.”
As they crossed the road heading for the docks, Rose was completely confused. There was nothing there; only an old dilapidated dock with a rusted arch. As they moved closer Rose could make out the words Cunard White Star.
“Okay, I’m done waiting and seeing Cole, why did you bring me to a dilapidated dock in the middle of nowhere? There are other ways of telling me this isn’t heading anywhere.”
Cole smiled as he took her hand. He was so sexy, Rose thought, wondering how long it would take her to get used to that full wattage smile. Heat pooled in her belly and she moved towards him kissing him lightly on the mouth.
“Whoa!” Cole said holding up his hands. “I brought you here for a reason and if you start kissing me I’m going to screw it up.”
Rose giggled and stepped away from him, eyes inviting him to continue.”
“This is Pier 54.” Cole said as if it explained everything.
Unless Rose had missed a very important history lesson she had no idea what he meant.
Noticing her confusion Cole took her hand and walked towards the arch before he continued.
“The original pier the Titanic was supposed to dock at was Pier 59, but after the tragedy a Cunard boat rescued the handful of survivors. They docked here instead. For days, loved ones gathered here trying to find out the fate of their friends and family aboard the cursed ship.”
Rose’s brow furrowed at the sad story of the dilapidated dock.
Cole huffed impatiently. “Rose I’m not good at words, you’ve gathered as much. I don’t know how to tell you this so I brought here.” He took her hands and squeezed lightly before his blue gaze met hers. “I guess what I’m saying is…I don’t want to miss the boat.”
It took Rose a moment before the enormity of his words registered. Her eyes widened.
“I’ve never been in a serious relationship, I’ve never been committed to anyone before but with you I’d like to try. I’ll screw up numerous times; I’ll trip over my own words probably every day since you seem to screw up my sentence forming abilities. But if you’re willing to look over all that, I’d like to try. I’d like to try having a serious committed relationship with you.”
Rose felt her heart swell with love, she had never imagined this beautiful man wanting to be with her in the first place, and now he was saying he wanted to have a relationship with her.
A month before, she didn’t even think she’d ever want to be in a relationship again, but with Cole’s eyes on hers and the cool breeze blowing out the cobwebs of her cheating ex, Rose knew a fresh start when she saw one.
She shyly kicked at a rock before answering him softly. “I’d like that too.”
Cole had never felt happier in his entire life. It almost seemed too good to be true. Rose might’ve thought he came to the city with the whole thing planned out but in fact he only thought of it while the knots were being prodded from his shoulders.
He didn’t know how the logistics were going to work; he’d worry about that later. All that mattered now was that Rose was his.
He pulled her against him, before searching her eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes smiled at him before he found her mouth.
In front of Pier 54 Cole kissed her, deeply. Their tongues dueled, mating in celebration of the commitment they had just made.
What felt like an infinity later Cole drew back breathless. “I’d thought we’d stay at my apartment tonight and head back tomorrow?”
Rose smiled. “I’d like that, to see where you live when you’re not in the Hamptons.”
“Then let’s go,” he said taking her hand and leading her back to the car. “It’s fucking freezing out here.”
Rose laughed and hurried alongside him.
As he closed the apartment door behind Rose for the first time, he looked at his bachelor apartment in a different light.
The space which he had set up to be more functional than attractive now seemed cold and harsh with Rose standing next to him. The walls were a light dove grey set off against chrome fixtures and charcoal furniture.
There were no touches that would make a house a home. No books, candles or even art or pictures against the walls. The simplicity had always appealed to Cole but after having spent time in the Hamptons with Rose in her house, his apartment in the city seemed lacking.
Sure there were all the comforts money could buy from the universal control that controlled everything from the lights right down to the temperature and the brand new state of the art appliances and the waterfall shower. But some things money couldn’t buy.
“It’s not much…” Cole said shrugging his shoulders as he set down his keys on the marble counter in the vast empty kitchen.
“Have you just moved in?” Rose asked as she looked around her.
“No,” Cole said furrowing his brow. “Actually this has been home for about three years.”
“Oh!” Rose said surprised. “It just seems so new and... empty.”
Cole laughed uncomfortably. “I know it seems that way, even to me after spending time in the Hamptons with you. But this has always just been a place to crash. When I’m in the city most of my time is spent in the office and I mostly get take-out for dinner so the kitchen’s barely been used as well.
“So women don’t…” Rose’s voice trailed off even as a blush crept over her face.
Cole laughed pulling her close. “You’re the first woman I’ve brought here. I never bring a woman to my apartment.”
Her eyebrows Rose as a sexy smile played on her lips. “Really? Then I think it’s time we christen it.”
Her warm soft hands reached for him, finding him already hard. Desire pumped through his body, when would he ever have enough of her. “I’d like that.” Cole said his own voice rough with desire.
He took her hand and led her to the main bedroom where his King-size bed awaited.
Rose’s face flushed. Every now and then that innocence, well it couldn’t be innocence could it, Cole thought. He’d call her reserved, that reservations made her blush. Cole found it unbearably sexy and spent the rest of the night making her blush.
“Mr. Matthewson you need to sign these, and phone those and you need to check in with HR for this month’s bonuses.” Cole’s assistant who was as efficient as she was Goth stood in front of his desk, disapproval clear on her face as she handed him stacks of documents
“I know you’re mad I’ve been away, but I haven’t taken a holiday in years.” Cole tried to defend himself. He knew it wasn’t necessary but with her dark eyes and pitch black hair staring down at him, he felt obliged.
“I didn’t say anything sir.” She said even as her lips pursed smudging her black lipstick. Cole had wondered over the years if there was a special Goth store for black lipstick. “Besides it’s your company, you can do what you want.”
“Exactly,” Cole handed her the stack of papers he’d just signed. “In fact I just came in this morning to catch up quickly. I’m heading back to the Hamptons later today. You can reach me on my phone for anything urgent, otherwise you can mail me and I’ll reply within twenty four hours.”
Long black nails grabbed the stack of papers. “And in the meantime what am I to tell everyone that wants to know where you are, staff included?”
“You can tell them I’m scaling down and giving them all the responsibility they have asked for. Tell them it’s an opportunity to prove their worth.”
She grumbled a bit more before leaving Cole to make his phone calls. He had just finished on the second one when he received a t
ext from Rose.
Take your time, heading back to the Hamptons with the shuttle now.
Need to do a few things.
See you this afternoon.
Your Rose
Cole felt stupid as a smile a mile wide settled on his face. His Rose. He could get used to that. He would’ve loved to ditch work and go with her but he still had a few calls to make and the bonuses to sign off on. Instead he pressed the dial button and turned his chair so he could look out on Central Park.
It rang a couple of times before her voice mail came on.
“This is Rose. I’m indisposed at the moment, feel free to leave a message and I’ll return your call.”
Grinning Cole spoke after the recording beep. “This is Cole; I hope you’re not indisposed with another man at the moment, as I’m your man. See you soon.”
Knowing he’d get back to the Hamptons faster if he focused on work, he pushed Rose aside and dug in.
As the shuttle crossed the Shinnecock Canal, Rose looked out the window at the water and hoped the shuttle fee which she thought was pure extortion was worth it.
Shortly after Cole had left for his office that morning she had received a text from Mike. He mentioned that he and a few of the other guards might’ve picked up on something, but they would like to run it by her before handing the information over to the cops.
Rose was nervous about what the information could be, but she pushed the nerves aside. She wanted justice for her friend’s death. That’s why she only slightly twitched when booking the shuttle. If the information Mike had was important it couldn’t wait until Cole finished work.
So she sat with head resting against the window missing him already. Every night with Cole seemed to be better than the one before. He had taken her to heights she’d never known. Teasing her until her whole body quivered only to pull back and soothe the quivers away before building them up again.
This morning as she stood under the waterfall shower on her own she could feel her muscles twinge. But the twinges were delicious reminders of the night before.
Cole didn’t try and explain his feelings for her more than he did at Pier 54, he didn’t need to. Just the fact that he took her to his apartment, to the pier, had made a world’s difference.
Rose didn’t know where her relationship with Cole was headed but she knew she wanted to find out. He excited her like no man had before. When his hands slid over her body she was butter and he was the hot knife.
He sliced through all her reservations; she had never felt bolder sexually. Not only was it freeing, but Rose felt more comfortable with herself for it.
When the shuttle pulled up outside her house Rose was surprised to find two white vans with a popular security company logo on it. There was a man on a ladder on her front lawn attaching what looked like a camera to a long pole that had been planted on her lawn. Another held a clip board and walked towards the shuttle as it came to a stop.
“Excuse me,” Rose called even as she stepped out of the van. “What the hell are you doing?”
A middle aged man with tufts of brown hair peeking out under his baseball cap walked up to her with a congenial smile. “Are you Miss. Adler?”
“Yes, why?” Rose asked surprised that he knew her name.
“Great, we were waiting for you to arrive. We’ve come to install your closed circuit television cameras to monitor your property.” He said holding out a clipboard for her to sign on.
“No! I didn’t order this and I sure as hell am not paying for it.” Rose said as her hackles rose.
“I know M’am. It’s a surprise gift. It’s all been paid for, all you need to do is sign on the dotted line and let my crew into the house.”
“No. You can leave. This hasn’t been discussed with me.” Rose said jutting out her chin.
“M’am, be reasonable. Like I said it’s all been paid for.” The man frowned at Rose’s demand.
“I am being reasonable. No gift is this expensive. A gift is a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates not a closed circuit security television system, and not fully installed. Now I’d like you to leave please.”
The man nodded silently before calling his crew. Within a few minutes both vans drove away leaving Rose furious as she stood next to the new pole on her front lawn with the scent of freshly unearthed ground.
She didn’t even have to wonder who sat behind the exorbitant gift. A few swipes and clicks on her phone later the call was answered.
“Rose, how was your trip?” His voice came easily over the phone, the familiarity of it heating her blood.
“The trip was fine; it was what I came home to that wasn’t!” She all but shouted into the phone.
“Rose? What do you mean? Was there another murder?” Cole asked carefully. “I can be back…”
“Don’t bother, there wasn’t a murder Cole. Although I feel like murdering you at the moment. Who gave you permission to have a closed circuit security system installed on my property because you sure as hell didn’t run it past me?”
The line was quiet for a moment before Cole spoke. “Rose, I was going to tell you. To be honest I arranged for them to do my house and it just made sense to do yours as well. With everything that’s been going on I just forgot to mention it. Please Rose don’t be mad.”
“Cole, you ask me not to be mad, but you’re pulling the tyrannical control freak act again. You can’t just decide these things for me. You need to ask me, find out how I feel about it. I really don’t know if this relationship can go anywhere if you can’t even consider my feelings or my property?”
“Rose, it’s not like that. Honestly I just didn’t want you to get hurt. You’re too stubborn to move in with me, and I can’t be at your place twenty-four-seven. This was the only way that I could help to protect you. I was wrong, I should’ve asked you. I told you yesterday I’m new to this....”
“Cole just don’t... I’m too mad to be reasoned with right now.”
“Fine, just hang on. I’m leaving the city now. I’ll be there soon.”
Rose huffed goodbye as she unlocked her front door. She wanted her relationship with Cole to work but she couldn’t be controlled. As she walked through the house she couldn’t imagine what was worse, being blissfully ignorant about a cheating partner, or having a partner that constantly tried to control you.
She sat down on her couch and looked up, wished not for the first time that Emmaline was here to give her advice.
Even though she wasn’t, Rose knew what Emmaline would’ve said.
You’re mad because he’s trying to protect you Rose? How does that make sense at all? Would you rather he didn’t want to protect you?
As Emmaline’s imaginary voice talked some sense into Rose she decided to give Cole a fair chance to explain when he arrived, but first she need to phone Mike.
In the shadow of an old sycamore tree he stood watching the house. It was the first time she was alone without her new rich boyfriend.
The first time he would be able to get to her since he had set his sights on her.
His palms were damp even as is heart slammed against his ribcage. Sweat beaded above his lips, it wasn’t nerves he told himself, it was excitement.
With Emmaline he knew he wouldn’t have much resistance.
With the second victim she fought, but not enough to deter him. He liked her better for it.
With Rose he knew he was in for a fight, he imagined her struggling in his arms and the rush he would find when her body went lax and her last breath eased from her body.
Yes, Rose Adler would be his masterpiece.
Cole mentally chastened himself. How could he have forgotten to mention the CCTV system to her? He’d already arranged and paid for the system the week before but it had completely slipped his mind.
He put down the phone knowing he was in the wro
ng, for Rose or anyone else it would’ve seemed a bit control-freakish. Knowing he would need to reign in his need for control, he called his assistant back in.
“I’ll be leaving now, is there anything else you need from me before I go?”
She glared at him from under the black bangs touching her brows. “No sir.” She turned her head slightly and a rare but significant smile spread across her face. “It’s a girl isn’t it?”
“What?” Cole asked baffled by her smile that so rarely made its appearance.
“A girl. That’s why you’re constantly running off to the Hamptons.”
Cole shrugged not knowing how to explain the whole security camera fiasco, Rose and the murders in the neighborhood. “Sort of.”
“Well go on, get out of here.”
Cole nodded, still confused by her sudden change in demeanor that looked out of place with the black clothes and lipstick.
He stepped into the elevator and couldn’t help but wonder why he was rushing? She was just going to rant and rave about his control issues anyway.
As his car pulled away heading through city traffic towards the Hamptons he realized he was facing a large predicament.
How the hell was he going to move through the shark infested waters of a relationship, when he could barely keep his head above water in the shallows?
By the time he entered the Hamptons he noticed a storm moving in over the horizon. The late afternoon was already overcast and trees rocked in the strong wind. As he drove by the local bookstore he couldn’t help but wonder if they had a book on relationship for dummies? He smiled to himself as he navigated his car towards the security estate.
Cole drove straight to Rose’s house and parked behind her car.