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  • The Billionaire's Devotion: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 3) Page 10

The Billionaire's Devotion: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 3) Read online

Page 10

  Slamming the door behind him he headed inside. “Rose! Why the hell is your front door unlocked?”

  Rose walked out of the kitchen ready to fight when she noticed she had left the door unlocked. Surprise and fear played over her face. “I…shootin’ fiddlesticks! I should really pay more attention. It’s all your fault for getting me so churned up I didn’t even close the damn door.”

  “My fault? You’re mad because I’m trying to protect you even though you claim you don’t need it and then you go around leaving front doors unlocked?”

  Rose took a deep breath, readied herself for the fight and then just sighed. “I…guilty as charged. Fine but I’m paying you back every single cent.”

  “That won’t be necessary, like I said it’s been taken care of.” Cole smiled as he walked towards her.

  Rose threw her hands up. “Cole Matthewson,” her eyes narrowed at him as she spoke. “I’ll take the shootin’ security system for my own protection, but you’re not paying for it. I’m not going to be your kept woman in the Hamptons.”

  The idea of having Rose tucked up safely in the Hamptons, waiting for him every weekend seemed appealing. Especially once he envisioned her with a lacy nightgown as she opened the door. A wicked smile crossed his face even as his eyes grew mysterious. “I wouldn’t mind having you as my kept woman.” He said pulling her close. “Waiting on my every need…” He lightly nipped her bottom lip before pulling her against him. “My every desire…it could be a lot of fun.”

  Rose giggled at his words even as she pushed him away. “Tell them to come back for the system Cole, but as soon as I sell this house I’m paying you back, with interest.”

  Cole knew he wasn’t going to get her to accept anymore so he nodded briefly. “Fine, I’ve got the installers number over at my house. I’ll just run over and tell them to come back tomorrow.” He winked at her. “Tell them the little lady was just throwing her weight around.”

  “Cole…” Rose’s voice held a warning but Cole kissed her until she had forgotten about his teasing and remembered how his hands felt on her body.

  “Close the doors and windows, there was a weather warning about a storm coming on the radio.”

  He pulled back already hard and aching for her, but he needed to call the installers before he forget all about them. “Be back in five.” He said before he briskly ended the kiss.

  “Lock the damn door Rose.” He called over his shoulder as he closed the door behind him.

  Cole jogged across the street, unlocked the door and stepped into his house. The instructions for his own CCTV system lay on the kitchen counter. He had arranged the day before that Luisa would let them in to install his system.

  He dialed the number on the invoice and within seconds the old lady answered.

  “Hi, it’s Cole Matthewson again. There was a misunderstanding with my neighbor’s installation today. It’s been cleared up so I’d like you to come back tomorrow to finish.”

  “Mr. Matthewson I’d like you to know our time is valuable, we can’t afford to be messed around like this. We don’t take kindly to this kind of thing. You might be the customer but we have many more.”

  Cole wanted to bring to light that they rarely had two full installations bought and paid for by one client but held his temper back. “I understand, and like I said the misunderstanding has been cleared up.”

  “Mr. Matthewson I’ll book the installation for tomorrow but if we have any trouble gaining access to the property we won’t be coming back.”

  “Fine.” Cole said as he slammed down the phone. So much for customer service.

  Like a little boy with a new toy, Cole took the instructions and moved to the display screen in his bedroom.

  As the distinctive notes of smoke on the water started to come from his pants, he pulled out his phone.

  “Cole speaking.” He said staring at the four different displays of cameras.

  “Back in town I see.” Came Cayden’s easy voice.

  “What? How did you see?” Cole asked confused as he walked to the back of the house to check his own windows.

  “I was outside signing for a delivery when you rushed by with the devil on your tail. Either that girl is real good in bed or there’s another emergency in your neighborhood.”

  Cole laughed. “No emergency, well not the serious kind. But I am back in town. I’ll stop by tomorrow for a beer.”

  “Sure, it’ll be cold and on tap like always. So have you heard anymore on the investigation?”

  “No, I actually just had a security system installed today.”

  It was Cayden’s turn to laugh. “Unless you’ve gotten extensions and breasts I don’t think you’re his type.”

  “Well, you’re probably right but the cameras at least get some of the street and my neighbor’s house as well.”

  “Oh, that’s why you got it. You’re going pro stalker on your new favorite neighbor?”

  “No, I actually just arranged for a system to be installed at her place tomorrow.” Cole didn’t bother mentioning that he had just gotten permission after they had been chased away.

  “Sounds serious. Looks like the legends are falling one by one?”

  “I’m not falling, simply dipping my toes into dark shark infested waters.”

  “Yeah, that’s what they all say and hope to find an oyster.”

  Cole smiled. “Look Cayden I’m not Garrett and I’m not Seth, I’m not planning on getting hitched or tied down anytime soon. I’m simply going to give this relationship thing a try.”

  “What? You’ve never had a relationship in your life!”

  “Well maybe I’ve never met a woman I wanted to see more than once.”

  “Touché. Well I’ve gotta go, dinner rush is starting in a few hours.”


  “Tomorrow Cole, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Yeah.” Cole smiled as he ended the call. It was really good making time for friends again. Maybe all those quotes about quality of life in the diary his mom gave him actually had something to it.

  He flicked between cameras and lost time as he mastered operating the system.


  Rose had just poured herself a glass of wine when there was a knock on the front door. She poured another glass for Cole and went to meet him at the door.

  “Hi Rose.” Mike said as she opened the door and the strong wind slapped her face. “I’m really sorry I’m late, it’s been a rough day. If you have time I’d like to show you what we’ve found.”

  “Mike.” Rose said surprised. “It’s been a rough day here as well, I completely forgot about our meeting.” She opened the door wider allowing him to step inside, mentally reminding herself to check the windows once he had left.

  “Thank you. Like I said over the phone, we’ve told the police we have some information, but they weren’t interested so I wondered if you’d take a look and maybe you could try and persuade them.”

  Rose’s frowned confused. “I’m sorry I thought you haven’t spoken to the police just yet?”

  “Uhm well, we have mentioned it but we haven’t given them the exact details. They don’t take us security guards that serious.”

  “Oh, right. Sure, why don’t you tell me and let’s decide what we’ll do about it.”

  Mike laughed an easy sound. “It’s not here. It’s back at the security station at the gate. It’s video footage of the night you had trouble in your garden. We think it might be him trying to get away from the cops.”

  Rose thought back to the figure in her garden, his build and profile. Maybe if the security footage was good enough she’d be able to recognize or at least give the cops a better description of the man. “Sure, let’s go.”

  Knowing the security station was only a couple of minutes away Rose counted on being back before Cole. She closed the door behind her and followed Mike to his nondescript van.

  “Excuse the van, I know
it’s not much but I do some renovations on the side where it comes in handy.” Mike apologized as he slid behind the steering wheel.

  Rose smiled. She wondered if Mike was married, he seemed like such a nice guy and yet he came across as nervous around her. “Don’t worry about it. As long as it works for you.” She soothed as the car pulled away from the curb.

  A couple of young mothers were pushing toddlers in prams in the late afternoon even as other cars started trickling in to come home.

  “It really is such a nice neighborhood; I really hope the police catch this guy so we can all feel safe again.”

  “Yes, it would be such a shame for another woman to lose her life for selfish reasons.” Mike said as he turned away from the security station.

  “What do you mean selfish reasons; there is no reason to kill. No reason is good enough to take another’s life.” Rose watched the car move further and further away from the security station and felt an eerie feeling something was wrong. “Mike aren’t we going the wrong way?” She asked easily hoping to keep the hitch she felt inside out of her voice.

  Mike grinned at her, the first time Rose noticed something was off. Gone was the friendly smile and in its place was something darker and meaner as he spoke. “For what we’re going to do we’re going exactly the right way.”

  Rose tried to open the door but found it locked. Her breath caught as her heart started to beat frantically in her chest. “Mike let me out. I’d like to go home now.”

  “Nope, you’re not going home now sweet Rose. Not ever again. It’s time we took a walk in the woods.”

  “Mike.” Rose said calmly. “If you’re the one that hurt Emmaline I forgive you, really it isn’t necessary to keep killing.”

  “I won’t keep killing; I just need to finish my masterpiece…” His eyes turned from the road to meet hers. Cold and evil they watched her. “You.”

  Rose wanted to scream, she wanted to claw at his eyes, scratch his arms but knew that would either cause a crash or make him kill her faster. Focusing on remaining calm she did a few deep breathing exercises.

  The van moved deeper and deeper into the wooded area where the new development was yet to build more houses. Less people, less chance for escape was all she could think.

  She thought of Mike finding her home empty without even a note and could only hope he would realize something was amiss. Patting the pocket on her jeans she realized she had even left her phone at home, she couldn’t even call someone or text Cole that she had been kidnapped.

  Images of Emmaline dead and cold flashed through her mind, would she be next?

  She refused to be! Rose started to think of all the series and movies she had watched and remembered one common thread that played across them all.

  Remaining calm was your only hope for escape.

  Remembering that she puckered up and swallowed down the fear that had bought bile with it and turned to Mike. “You know I’m actually glad you got rid of Emmaline. I only pretended to be her friend; she was actually a real nosy busy-body.”

  “Don’t try that Rose, it’s not going to work.” Mike huffed as he navigated the narrow road in the wooded area.

  “What? I’m being honest. I couldn’t exactly tell my neighbor she bothered me could I?” Rose could only hope Emmaline would forgive her for lying.

  “Why not?” Mike asked glancing her way?

  “Because I was new to the area, I didn’t have friends and you sure don’t go around telling people you don’t like them.”

  “Life would be easier if we could.” Mike said under his breath.

  “Exactly. Who don’t you like Mike?”

  He sighed before glancing her way. “No one in particular, but rich folks make my list. They’re so goddamn entitled.”

  “I know aren’t they? I don’t like rich folks either.” Rose said ignoring the panic crawling up her spine. “Anyone else on your list?”

  “Pretty boys, like the one you’re fucking at the moment.”

  Rose knew he was playing with her but she played right back. “Do you think I like him? Come on Mike, people like us will never fit in their world. I’m with him for the money. He’s paying to have a new security system installed in my house and I’m convincing him I need a condo in Miami.” Rose winked at Mike hoping she was convincing enough.

  Mike laughed a thunderous sound in the small confined space and Rose used it as an opportunity to let her right hand explore the side pocket of the door. She carefully let her finger navigate through empty wrappers, a bottle of aerosol until her fingers found something of use. A pen.

  She knew it wasn’t much but it was the only thing she had. She slowly slid it up her sleeve and watched as Mike took the final turn leading to the end of the road. Fat drops of rain started pounding against the windscreen, it would make escaping harder.

  Knowing it was now or never she gathered all her courage and attacked.

  Hands flailing she started slapping him hard enough to take his attention off the road. He slapped her with the back of his right hand, pain shot through her skull. A burning pain that made her vision blur for a moment.

  But she didn’t retaliate. She went at him again scratching his face, hoping to at least get DNA under her nails should her body be found.

  His hands left the steering wheel to clutch at the burning red marks on his cheek. “Bitch.” He yelled even as lifted his hand to strike again.

  Rose knew her moment of glory had come. She slipped the pen from her sleeve and stabbed aiming for his face. When the blood started gushing from the wound and Mike’s surprise had him clutching his face she reached over him for the central locking button and unlocked the door.

  She ripped open the door and jumped out rolling onto the twig covered floor of the wood. The wind and rain lashed out, both fighting for ground as Rose wiped the rain from her eyes. She felt her ankle twist as she landed, but ignored the pain and forced herself to get up when she heard Mike calling after her. “You’re not getting away that easily bitch!”

  She could hear his footfalls thud behind her as she ran back towards the housed area, hoping someone would see her. Her ankle throbbed and pain shot up her leg every time she placed her weight on it. Rose blinked furiously through the tears and blurry vision as she tried to get away.

  Taking a moment she glanced over her shoulder only to see Mike running after her, blood oozing from the hole in his check where the pen had landed.

  Not today, she thought. She couldn’t die today. She still had too much to do, too much to see. She wanted to have that relationship with Cole, she wanted to revisit her decision not to become an attorney and she wanted to still have kids. As the heavy rain soaked through her clothes and fear was accompanied by the chill of the wind Rose made a decision.

  Mike wouldn’t take that away from her, she wouldn’t let him.

  Increasing her speed from a jog to run she heard the crack of bone as she placed her full weight on her ankle, it twisted beneath her. Darkness started to flood her mind even as she sensed Mike drawing closer.

  “Cole.” Was the last words she spoke as Mike climbed onto her with a lanyard in his hand.


  Once he knew the in's and the out's of the new security system, Cole glanced at his watch for the first time. It had been almost thirty minutes since he’d left Rose. She would be wondering where he was.

  Locking his own house behind him he crossed the road, glad to notice her door was closed. The storm had moved in faster than anticipated and the street was dark with only the howling wind for company.

  A light was shining in the kitchen window and he noticed two glasses of wine on the kitchen counter.

  By the time he reached the door he was soaked to the skin, the rain was unforgiving as he stepped up to open it.

  He tried the door and it opened. His temper surged at her disregarding her own safety for the second time that day. Walking into the house he called. “Rose! Ros

  Her phone and keys were on the counter next to the wine, but she was nowhere in sight. Glancing through the window he noticed her car was still in the driveway.

  Something was wrong, very wrong. Even as he thought it fear, cold and ruthless, reminded him of the murders in the neighborhood. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

  “911 How can I help you?” Came a young male voice over the phone.

  Cole relayed the situation and rattled off the address.

  “We’re on our way sir, just stay put.”

  As Cole ended the call he knew there was no way he was going to wait around for the police.

  He had a very bad feeling Rose didn’t just go for a walk, a feeling that meant Rose wouldn’t be coming back at all.

  Grabbing his keys he headed straight for his car, he had no idea where he was headed, but at least he was doing something.

  He gunned the engine and reversed with tires squealing on the wet asphalt. As he drove down the street his wipers moved back and forth at a furious pace as the rain slapped against the window.

  Instinct instructed him to try the security station first; they would be able to tell him if Rose had left with someone else.

  He pulled up in front of the building, leaving the car running. Pulling the back of his shirt over his to ward off the worst rain he ran inside.

  “Did Rose Adler leave in the last twenty minutes?” He said briskly as he walked inside and slapped his hand on the table where they were currently doling out cards.

  Three men looked between each other. “That’s the pretty one that found Emmaline?”

  Cole clenched his teeth. “Yes.”

  “No, she came back this afternoon but she didn’t leave again. We’ve been on duty since noon.”

  “Thanks!” Cole called over his shoulder before he ran back to his car.

  He turned the car around knowing she hadn’t left the estate. That meant she was still inside, but where?

  He followed the road back to her house when he heard the sirens approach short on his heels. Stopping in front of her house he jumped out and ran to the first police car.