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The Billionaire's Devotion: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 3) Page 3

  The pain and embarrassment of that day would probably remain with her forever, but Emmaline was right. She’d probably always be mad at Sam for his blatant betrayal, but that didn’t mean she should stop dating or having sex for that matter.

  The dating seemed like a giant step to take when she was still hurting from Sam’s betrayal, sex seemed easier. She had woken up twice this week in the middle of the night trembling and aching after dreaming of Cole.

  Maybe it was the itch that needed to be scratched, but either way she thought looking out over his driveway, if he did come back this time she’d be the one offering the beer. She’d take it from there. If the attraction was still as strong as a week ago she would consider a one night stand, with Cole she knew there wouldn’t be anything else on the table.

  He was a high-powered investor in the city and barely had time to visit his home in the Hamptons, never mind time for a girlfriend.

  Rose tried shrugging off thoughts of Cole and made her way to the kitchen. She took out the cheese cake she had bought that morning, unable to resist its passion fruit jam and pale yellow icing. She’d take it over to Emmaline and they could discuss anything while digging in, anything but Cole.

  Rose pulled her coat tighter around herself as she closed the door behind her, cake in hand. If fall temperatures were falling this fast an even colder winter was on its way. As the cold wind brushed her face she walked around Emmaline’s house to the back door that was always unlocked.

  Both women shared a love for the sweeter things in life, Rose loved surprising Emmaline with something sweet every now and then.

  She pushed open the door and called out cheerily. “Emmaline, I’ve got you a surprise!”

  When she didn’t hear any answer she walked into the kitchen. The morning dishes were still piled in the sink; odd, Emmaline never left dishes unwashed Rose thought as she moved to the living room.

  “Are you sleeping? I’ve got a surprise for you!” Rose called out towards the bedrooms as she moved around a white trestle table that worked as a server. “I’ve got cake…” The last word was merely a whisper as the Passion Fruit Cheesecake splattered on the floor.

  Rose didn’t even notice as the cake splattered against the tiles, its pale yellow frosting lying in soft mounds on the tiles. The only thing she noticed was Emmaline on the floor.


  Rose had never seen a dead body before but somehow she instinctively knew it was too late for Emmaline. Her face was ashen with a bluish tone. Her clear blue eyes were open staring at the roof, all life drained from them. As the first tear slipped over Rose’s cheek she crouched next to Emmaline. “Emmaline! Emmaline!”

  Even though Rose knew it was too late she had hoped for a response, a small movement indicating life. There was nothing. She softly brushed her fingers over her friend’s eyelids to close them. The body was ice cold; Emmaline had been dead for a while.

  Rose pulled her phone from her pocket and quickly dialed 911. After relaying all the relevant information along with the address, the operator promised help was on the way.

  She sat down and took Emmaline’s hand in her own. It was cold and stiff but Rose didn’t let go. Her friend didn’t deserve this, she deserved better. Rose silently vowed she would do anything in her power to avenge her friend’s death.

  From the line on her neck and no other visible injuries Rose guessed she had been strangled.

  Strangled while Rose was napping right next door. The guilt shot through Rose like a sharp pointed arrow. As the tears started rushing down her face, Rose heard the sirens approaching.


  As Cole’s care came to a stop in the driveway of his house in the Hamptons, he couldn’t help but admit that Rose was the reason for his soon return, not the house needing some minor repairs as he had explained to his assistant.

  Every time he saw a short brunette walking past him, he found himself looking twice to make sure it wasn’t Rose. He missed her and barely even knew her.

  He knew it was a bad idea to come back for the weekend, but this morning when he had woken up to another Saturday alone in the city he knew exactly where he wanted to be.

  Cole knew he had no guarantee of seeing Rose, yet he had packed a bag and driven all the way to the Hamptons on a Saturday afternoon. He didn’t have a plan beyond coming to the Hamptons; he’d play the rest by ear. Maybe he could buy her some stronger black bags and take them over.

  He laughed at the desperate idea as he unlatched his seatbelt.

  Cole heard the sirens approaching before he noticed them stopping in Emmaline’s driveway in the rearview mirror.

  Cole swiftly got out of the car and ran across the road.

  “What’s going on?” He demanded from the first paramedic to climb out of his vehicle. The man looked past Cole towards his house where his car was parked before turning back to Cole.

  “Do you know the lady that lives here?” He asked wanting to ascertain Cole’s relation to her before giving more information.

  “Yes.” Cole lied. Well he did meet Emmaline once, he placated himself. “Is she ill?”

  A middle aged police man moved between Cole and the paramedic. “I’m sorry Sir; you need to wait outside so we can assess the situation.”

  “Screw this.” Cole barked before running towards the house. He briskly pulled open the front door grateful it wasn’t locked.

  As he stepped inside he realized he didn’t know what he expected to find, but it wasn’t Rose crouching in tears over Emmaline’s lifeless blue body.

  “Rose?” He asked confused.

  Her brown eyes were puffy and swollen from crying; she brushed away the tears and sniffed. “I found her like this.”

  Paramedics and Police rushed into the house demanding they step away from the body.

  “I know this is hard for you, but you need to step aside so we can do our job.” The police men said gruffly.

  Cole moved towards Rose and pulled her against him. As soon as she was in his arms she broke down in sobs. He didn’t want to think of how she fit against him, or how good it was to smell her floral scent. Pushing those thoughts aside Cole pulled her aside softly stroking her back as he heard police men and paramedics talk. At least five hours. Strangulation. No sign of struggle.

  This couldn’t be happening, Cole thought, not in a safe gated and guarded community. He continued stroking his hands over Rose’s hair observing the paramedic. He continued to check Emmaline’s body for any signs of struggle or wounds but he found nothing.

  The paramedic turned to the police officer. “We need to wait for the coroner to confirm but my money is on strangulation. There aren’t any defensive wounds on her.”

  The police officer jotted something down in a notebook. “No sign of forced entry, she must’ve known her assailant.”

  Both men turned towards Rose where she was still in Cole’s arms. The police officer narrowed his eyes. “Don’t go anywhere, we need a statement from you.”

  “We’re not going anywhere.” Cole said stiffly. “I’m going to take her onto the porch until you’re ready to take that statement.”

  The police officer nodded. Cole ushered Rose onto the front porch of Emmaline’s house. They sat down on the porch swing; it swayed softly as their weight settled. Without asking, Rose moved against Cole and wept for her friend.

  Cole put his arm around and pulled her close. “It’s going to be all right.” He said in a soothing tone not knowing what else to say.

  “How can it?” Rose sniffled. “Emmaline’s dead. Murdered!”

  “They police are going to find whoever did this. Just you wait and see.” Cole soothed but he felt Rose stiffen against him.

  “Really? Do you know the average rate of murders that are solved in this country?”

  Cole frowned. “No?”

  Rose narrowed her eyes. “Less than 60%, that means justice is a long shot for Emmaline.”

  Shocked by
her facts Cole simply nodded. “I’m sorry she’s dead. I know she meant a lot to you.”

  Rose nodded and burrowed against him again before speaking softly “I was sleeping. I was right next door sleeping when it happened. I didn’t even hear anything.”

  Cole ran his fingers through her hair as much soothing her as himself. “It’s not your fault Rose. You can’t go blame yourself. Emmaline wouldn’t have wanted that.”

  Rose stiffened. “You didn’t even know her.” She accused him.

  “Actually…” Cole craned his neck to see her eyes. “I met her last Saturday.”

  Rose narrowed her eyes confused when the police officer stepped outside. “Would you like to accompany me to the station or would you like to give your statement here?” He asked Rose.

  “Here, if you don’t mind.” Rose said sitting up straight.

  “Right, so let’s start.” He said as he jotted onto his notepad. “When was the last time you saw your neighbor?”

  “Yesterday around 5pm.” Rose answered.

  The police officer asked all the expected questions and when he seemed satisfied he closed his notebook. “Thank you for your cooperation. We’ll have this typed up and let you know when to come by the station to sign it.” The accusatory tone in his voice had disappeared.

  Rose nodded as the police officer started for his car. “Hold on! Was she strangled?” She called out.

  The police officer narrowed his eyes. “Miss I can’t confirm or deny until the coroner has done his examination.”

  “Please.” Rose pleaded. “Just nod if you think so. It looked like it. I just need to know if she died of natural causes or not? At least tell me that.”

  The police officer’s eyes softened. “M’am I can confirm it wasn’t natural causes.”

  As the police officer got into his patrol vehicle Cole could see Rose starting to shiver from his seat on the porch. Without thinking he moved towards her pulling her into his arms. “Come on, you’re coming with me.”


  Cole handed Rose a steaming cup of tea. She looked at him still in shock about Emmaline. She wanted to thank him from taking her away from the ugly scene across the road, but she couldn’t seem to structure a coherent sentence at that moment.

  She looked at the cup of tea confused. Did he ask her if she wanted tea? How did he know she drank tea? She furrowed her brow, still not moving to take the cup.

  “My mom always says tea is medicine for the soul, or something like that. Look I’m not good at this, but I know you can’t be alone right now. So until I figure out what to do next just drink the damn tea.” His voice held a slight hint of temper or desperation. Rose couldn’t be sure. She appreciated the gesture even more because she realized it didn’t come natural to him.

  She smiled crookedly and took the warm cup from him. She held it with both her hands, warming them in the process. Ever since she had kneeled over Emmaline’s cold and lifeless body, all warmth had left her body. “Thank you.” The words were barely a whisper but all she could manage at the moment.

  Silence hung over them with the heavy weight of murder and loss. Rose was too lost in her own thoughts and memories of her dear friend to think about breaking the silence.

  It was Cole who spoke first. “I know how much she meant to you, I can’t imagine what you’re going through at the moment.”

  Rose felt her eyes watering up again and smiled grimly at Cole as the heaviness in her chest threatened to steal her breath. “I don’t think it’s a reality for me yet. I was taking her cake.” Her voice trailed off as the heaviness in her chest became too much to bear.

  Resting her head in her hands, she allowed the tears to come. Not the pretty dainty kind, the big fat sloppy kind. She didn’t even hear Cole move from across room but felt his arms embrace her almost instantly. Without saying a word he held on. Allowed her to cry for the friend she had just lost, for the horrible way she had lost her life. She briefly wiped her nose with her sleeve before the next wave of tears rushed over her.

  What felt like hours later the sobs started to calm and her eyes started to dry up. Cole’s arms were still around her, one day she would thank him for holding onto her when she had no one else to.

  She swallowed and wiped her face with her hands before pulling out of his embrace. “Can I use the bathroom?”

  Cole’s green eyes looked at her concerned. “Of course. First door to your right.”

  Rose sniffed before making her way down the hall. She closed the door behind her and moved to the wash basin. She splashed cold water on her face, hoping it would calm her puffy swollen eyes. A memory flashed back to her, so fast and so painful she gasped. The last time she had cried Emmaline had been the one to console her with a decent side serving of hard truths.

  Looking at herself in the mirror she couldn’t help but smile, Emmaline was right. She wasn’t pretty with blotches on her face and red puffy eyes. Right now she didn’t care.

  But Emmaline would’ve. A one night stand with the right man could be lots of fun.

  Rose couldn’t believe she had just thought of that after finding her friend murdered. She shook the thought away before leaving the bathroom.

  She found the living room empty but could hear Cole rustling in the kitchen.

  “What are you doing?” She asked as he was crouching on the floor digging into the depths of a cupboard.

  He straightened with a goofy smile. “I wanted to make you something to eat but it looks like I can only offer you tinned fish or cracker bread.”

  Rose couldn’t help but smile at his sincerity, even though it felt forced and painful. “You don’t have to feed me. I’ve got perfectly good food across the road at my place.”

  “I’m sure you do but I’m not letting you out of my sight, at least not until I know you’re all right.” His voice held the firm tone she imagined he used when doing business.

  “Fine, then come home with me.” Rose said irritably.

  As soon as the words fell between them, their eyes met. Any other time, any other situation and those words would’ve led to something else. Rose could feel a blush rising on her cheeks as Cole’s green gaze swept over her.

  “I didn’t...I didn’t…” Rose fumbled.

  Cole swallowed and an easy smile spread across his face. “It’s okay I know what you meant, I’ll go with you.”

  Rose nodded feeling out of her depth as she led to way to the front door.

  Cole placed a comforting arm around her as they made their way across the road. Even with his arm around her, he couldn’t protect her from the scene at Emmaline’s house.

  A trolley was being pushed towards the ambulance with a black body bag on Emmaline’s body.

  “Come on Rose, let’s get inside.”

  At the sound of Cole’s voice, Rose realized she had come to standstill in the middle of the road; her body was starting to shiver again.

  Must be the shock she thought as she took a deep breath and hurried towards her front door.

  She left the door open behind her for Cole and walked straight into the kitchen. Opening the cupboard where she and Sam had always kept their good wine she felt Cole’s presence behind her.

  “I need wine, more than just a glass. Red or white?” She asked over her shoulder.

  “Red.” Cole said firmly.

  “Red it is.”

  Rose sat down in the living room on the same sofa she had woken from earlier that afternoon and had watched Cole’s driveway. A few hours ago she had never thought she would be sitting on the same sofa with Cole next to her and Emmaline being driven away in a body bag.

  She took a big gulp of wine, loving the way it scorched its path down her throat. Hopefully soon she wouldn’t remember any of what happened today.

  As she looked up she found Cole’s eyes on hers, his glass untouched.

  “What?” She asked defensively.


ose took another big gulp and guiltily placed her glass on the side table when she noticed Cole was still watching her.

  “I don’t drink.” Rose said admitted. “One glass and I’m a lush.”

  Cole smiled and took a sip of wine. “In that case I think we should eat something before we have another glass.” He said it casually but Rose knew he was only looking out for her.

  She stood up and grabbed her glass before walking to the kitchen. “Right, food. Let’s go see what we can make.”


  “Thanks, that was good.” Cole said as he pushed the plate away from him.

  Rose had made them a simple meal of macaroni and cheese while she finished her first glass of wine. Although she was still quiet and withdrawn, Cole could see color returning to her cheeks.

  “It’s a pleasure. Actually I should be thanking you.” Caught off guard Cole looked at her and found her whiskey brown eyes on him. He tried to ignore the attraction that simmered between them. Now wasn’t the time to act on it or to admit that Rose was the reason he had come back to the Hamptons on a Saturday afternoon.

  “For what?” He looked away trying to sound casual.

  “For being here. For making me tea.” She smiled sadly as she collected their plates and placed them in the sink. She turned around to face him, leaning against the sink. “You were right, I don’t want to be alone and since I’m not very good at conversation at the moment how about we watch a movie?”

  “Sure.” Cole said standing up and moving to her DVD collection in the living room. Between the classics and comedies were a variety of primetime crime series. “You like your crime.” He said before thinking and mentally chastened himself.